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Chemical Industry Weekly News Round-Up

ACC's annual meeting took place this week in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In a time of growing public mistrust of large institutions and corporations of all stripes, the chemical industry must work to gain public trust, Eastman Chemical CEO Brian Ferguson told attendees. More positively, executives have been pleasantly surprised with the economic recovery so far.

Pemex named BASF in lawsuit claiming that the world's largest chemical company purchased natural gas liquids from thieves. BASF says it did not knowingly buy the stolen gas.

The U.S. Senate rejected the Murkowski climate resolution, which would have halted EPA's greenhouse gas regulatory process. The resolution was supported by a coalition of industry groups, including NPRA. The coalition, somewhat surprisingly, did not include ACC.

Echoing sentiments at the ACC meeting, delegates at Chemspec in Berlin are optimistic about the outlook for specialty chemicals.

SAFC is back in a growth phase, too. Video below.

U.S. retail sales fell 1.2% in May, the largest drop in eight months. The drop was largely attributable to construction materials, though it has contributed to worries about the economic recovery, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Apparently the U.S. public does believe in climate change after all: that's the result of a new poll, discussed in a New York Times op-ed, that says some-three quarters of Americans accept the idea of human-cased global warming. Americans are still opposed to more taxes on gasoline and electricity, though.

Business Insider has 15 facts on China that, it claims, will "blow your mind." Apparently New York's famously pricey real estate has nothing on Beijing, so consider my mind blown.

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